
Sustainable living is promotion of sustainability in our personal life, alternative lifestyle resolves. This way of functional existence use the resources with coherency, which manifest themselves by respect of surroundings or earth elements. Its practitioners is realizing the sentence, so reduction of ecological footprint is necessery. The practice of those life closely follow the sustainable development. The people of the idea apply the cunjunction of sustainability with natural balance. The practitioners understand symbiotic life of human race with other elements of biodiversity. After all, it is sustainable living with implement methods such as energy functions, diet and transport strategy into our nowadays management. Environmentalism is another thinking in project of sustainablility. The people of given kind adopt alternative norms of living or practices. It is finally challenge of practice of conscious existence. Ecovillages are attractive to locals and it shift alternative technologies into architecture. This form of new antropocene environment can be maintained and adapted by various generations. Published in August 2021 by Enviro Challenges Consulting and Tomasz Q. Pietrzak. Creative Commons by @echl.league.scientific. The short article is based on research review.


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